Schools in Aurora, COPicture credit: R Marmion / 123RF

The success of culturally diverse students is affected by many school factors, such as the school’s atmosphere and general attitude toward diversity. Some teachers are up for encouraging community involvement in and outside school programs and respond to those issues through a relevant and engaging curriculum.

One of the main factors of integration at school is the personal relationship between teachers and students. Once a student feels he is welcome to express his opinions and to be accepted for who he is, it has become easier for him to open up, to make new friendships, and to encourage him to do homework and participate in class activities offered by the teacher. Teachers, on their side, should know how to appreciate similarities and differences among the different groups they are educating during the day.

It is sure a challenging role to possess

Teachers need to pay attention to so many details and succeed on diagnosing what consider to be a success for one student, and what could be valueless to another. It is like being a mother to children with completely different backgrounds, behaving to each one of them with the respect they expect to receive, even culturally wise, and moreover, being able to create a mutual acceptance and understanding between the children themselves.

Another important factor is to meet diverse needs. At many schools, diversity is a highly abstract concept. Meeting diverse needs, education-wise is not something that can be easily communicated or translated into action. But without a clear sense of where the school is headed and why teachers cannot put in place executable plans.

Therefore, by being clear about what the strategy is, teachers keep everyone headed in the same direction. Whether it is to honor students’ customs and rituals, expressing interest in discovering what their lives are like, outside school, teachers’ resource and action planning become more effective.

Some fear that the school’s education level might deteriorate

Additionally, using a rigorous framework in order to speak a common language, could also be used to keep class discipline. Differentiate instructions in order to meet individual student needs, must be conducted with a rigorous framework. Many parents support the idea of integration and consider it to be tremendously important.

Yet, on the other hand, some fear that the school’s education level might deteriorate due to the investment of resources. Also, being together in a mutual framework, such as school, making students obtain behaviors that fit the setting, just like in the outside world, and therefore should be adapted.